All comics   Avengers UK

Avengers UK comic issues


UK reprint series of the US Avengers stories.


Year from   Year to  
Issue from   Issue to  
Avengers UK comics
Issue date 
Comic issues 
1 22 September 1973 Avengers UK #1
Coupon first half and another second half...X
1 22 September 1973 Avengers UK #1 with free gift
Coupon first half and another second half...X
2 29 September 1973 Avengers UK #2
Coupon second half...X
2 29 September 1973 Avengers UK #2 with free gift
Coupon second half...X
3 06 October 1973 Avengers UK #3
Coupon inside cover, another centre and one second half...X
4 13 October 1973 Avengers UK #4
Coupon inside cover, another before centre, centre, after centre and one second half...X
5 20 October 1973 Avengers UK #5
Coupon inside front cover and another rear cover...X
6 27 October 1973 Avengers UK #6
Thor pin-up P26. Coupon rear cover. ...X
7 03 November 1973 Avengers UK #7
Coupon inside front cover. Doctor Strange pin-up P10. Pin up rear cover. ...X
8 10 November 1973 Avengers UK #8
Coupon inside front cover. Iron Man pin-up P10. 2 coupons =second half...X
9 17 November 1973 Avengers UK #9
Coupon inside front cover, one scond half and another rear cover...X
10 24 November 1973 Avengers UK #10
Coupon inside front cover. Coupon P25. Coupon rear cover. ...X
11 01 December 1973 Avengers UK #11
Coupon inside front cover, second half and coupon rear cover...X
12 08 December 1973 Avengers UK #12
Coupon inside front cover and one first half...X
13 15 December 1973 Avengers UK #13
Coupon inside front cover and another rear cover...X
14 22 December 1973 Avengers UK #14
Coupon insdide rear cover...X
15 29 December 1973 Avengers UK #15
XMAS poster rear cover. ...X
16 05 January 1974 Avengers UK #16
Quiz inside front cover and Captain America pin-up inside rear cover...X
17 12 January 1974 Avengers UK #17
Coupon inside front cover...X
18 19 January 1974 Avengers UK #18
Coupon inside front cover and artist competition inside rear cover...X
19 26 January 1974 Avengers UK #19
Coupon first half and art competition inside rear cover...X
20 02 February 1974 Avengers UK #20
Coupon inside front cover and Marvel artist comp inside rear cover...X
21 09 February 1974 Avengers UK #21
Coupon first half and another inside rear cover...X
22 16 February 1974 Avengers UK #22
Coupon inside front cover and pin-up inside rear cover...X
23 23 February 1974 Avengers UK #23
Coupon inside front cover...X
Page 1 of 6 (150 items)< Prev123456Next > v
  Total records: 150   

Publication summary  

First issue 22 September 1973  
Last issue 14 July 1976  
Total issues 148
Average pages 36
Frequency WEEKLY
End of life Merged into Mighty World of Marvel
Wikipedia entry View entry
Publisher Marvel UK
Issue Info ComicVine
Copyright holder  Marvel

Free gifts summary


#1 22 September 1973 Superhero transfers
#2 29 September 1973 Wonder Weapon


Key issues summary


#1 22 September 1973 First issue
#2 29 September 1973 Second issue
#3 06 October 1973 Third issue
#5 20 October 1973 1st UK Kang
#6 27 October 1973 1st UK appearance of Wonder Man
#7 03 November 1973 1st UK appearance of Immortus
#15 29 December 1973 1st XMAS cover issue
#20 02 February 1974 1st UK Ravonna
#29 06 April 1974 1st UK Shang-Chi Master Kung Fu
#33 04 May 1974 1st Blackjack Tarr?
#50 31 August 1974 50th issue
#52 14 September 1974 1st UK Iron Fist
#57 19 October 1974 Iconic Dr Strange cover
#62 23 November 1974 1st UK Black Knight
#82 12 April 1975 Reprints 1st Vision from Avengers #57
#100 16 August 1975 100th issue
#124 31 January 1976 1st UK appearance of Red Wolf


Christmas cover issues


#15 29 December 1973
#67 28 December 1974
#119 27 December 1975


Individual issue checking notes summary


#1 22 September 1973 Coupon first half and another second half
#2 29 September 1973 Coupon second half
#3 06 October 1973 Coupon inside cover, another centre and one second half
#4 13 October 1973 Coupon inside cover, another before centre, centre, after centre and one second half
#5 20 October 1973 Coupon inside front cover and another rear cover
#6 27 October 1973 Thor pin-up P26. Coupon rear cover.
#7 03 November 1973 Coupon inside front cover. Doctor Strange pin-up P10. Pin up rear cover.
#8 10 November 1973 Coupon inside front cover. Iron Man pin-up P10. 2 coupons =second half
#9 17 November 1973 Coupon inside front cover, one scond half and another rear cover
#10 24 November 1973 Coupon inside front cover. Coupon P25. Coupon rear cover.
#11 01 December 1973 Coupon inside front cover, second half and coupon rear cover
#12 08 December 1973 Coupon inside front cover and one first half
#13 15 December 1973 Coupon inside front cover and another rear cover
#14 22 December 1973 Coupon insdide rear cover
#15 29 December 1973 XMAS poster rear cover.
#16 05 January 1974 Quiz inside front cover and Captain America pin-up inside rear cover
#17 12 January 1974 Coupon inside front cover
#18 19 January 1974 Coupon inside front cover and artist competition inside rear cover
#19 26 January 1974 Coupon first half and art competition inside rear cover
#20 02 February 1974 Coupon inside front cover and Marvel artist comp inside rear cover
#21 09 February 1974 Coupon first half and another inside rear cover
#22 16 February 1974 Coupon inside front cover and pin-up inside rear cover
#23 23 February 1974 Coupon inside front cover
#24 02 March 1974 Coupon inside front cover and another inside rear cover
#25 09 March 1974 Coupon inside front cover and another page before middle
#26 16 March 1974 Two coupon pages just before middle
#27 23 March 1974 Coupon rear cover
#28 30 March 1974 Coupon inside front cover and another on rear cover
#29 06 April 1974 Coupon inside front cover and another on rear cover
#30 13 April 1974 Coupon rear cover
#31 20 April 1974 Coupon inside front and rear covers and on back
#32 27 April 1974 No coupons
#33 04 May 1974 Coupon inside front cover
#34 11 May 1974 Coupon first half
#35 18 May 1974 Coupon rear cover
#36 25 May 1974 Coupon inside rear cover and another on rear cover
#37 01 June 1974 Coupon second half and competition rear cover
#38 08 June 1974 Two coupons second half
#39 15 June 1974 Coupon inside front cover, another second half and one rear cover
#40 22 June 1974 Coupon first half, another second half and also on rear cover
#41 29 June 1974 Pin up poster rear cover and two coupons second half
#42 06 July 1974 Coupon second half and art competiion/contest inside rear cover
#43 13 July 1974 Coupon before middle, coupon second half and competition/contest page inside rear cover
#44 20 July 1974 Hawkeye pin-up rear cover
#45 27 July 1974 No coupons
#46 03 August 1974 Coupon second half
#47 10 August 1974 Two compons second half
#48 17 August 1974 Coupon second half and inside rear cover
#50 31 August 1974 Coupon first half
#54 28 September 1974 Coupon first half
#55 05 October 1974 Coupon second half
#56 12 October 1974 Coupon inside rear over
#59 02 November 1974 Coupon second half
#61 16 November 1974 Coupon first half
#62 23 November 1974 Coupon first half
#63 30 November 1974 No coupons
#64 07 December 1974 No coupons
#65 14 December 1974 Coupon rear cover
#66 21 December 1974 Coupon rear cover
#67 28 December 1974 XMAS rear cover pin-up
#68 04 January 1975 Coupon rear cover
#69 11 January 1975 Calandar rear cover
#70 18 January 1975 Coupon first half and calandar rear cover
#71 25 January 1975 Coupon second half and calandar rear cover
#72 01 February 1975 Coupon second half
#73 08 February 1975 No coupons
#74 15 February 1975 No coupons
#75 22 February 1975 Coupon second half and another rear cover
#76 01 March 1975 No coupons
#77 08 March 1975 Coupon first half and another rear cover
#78 15 March 1975 Coupon inside rear cover and another on back
#79 22 March 1975 Coupon inside rear cover and another on back
#80 29 March 1975 Coupon rear cover
#81 05 April 1975 Coupon on rear cover
#83 19 April 1975 Shang-Chi pin-up just before centre and coupon rear cover
#84 26 April 1975 Coupon inside rear cover
#85 03 May 1975 Coupon inside rear cover and another on back
#86 10 May 1975 Coupon inside rear cover and another on back
#87 17 May 1975 Coupon inside rear cover and another on back
#88 24 May 1975 Coupon rear cover
#90 07 June 1975 No coupons
#91 14 June 1975 No coupons
#92 21 June 1975 Dracula pin-up page and Dr Strange pin up page first half and coupon inside rear cover
#93 28 June 1975 Coupon first half and another rear cover
#94 05 July 1975 Coupon inside rear cover and another on back
#95 12 July 1975 No coupons
#96 19 July 1975 Coupon inside front cover
#97 26 July 1975 Coupon rear cover
#98 02 August 1975 Coupon rear cover
#99 09 August 1975 Coupon rear cover
#102 30 August 1975 Competition/contest entry form first half, coupon second half and another rear cover
#103 06 September 1975 Pin up first half and competition/contest entry form second half
#106 27 September 1975 Coupon first half and another rear cover
#110 25 October 1975 Coupon first half
#111 01 November 1975 Coupon first half
#114 22 November 1975 Coupon second half
#118 20 December 1975 Quiz page second half
#119 27 December 1975 Quiz page second half
#120 03 January 1976 No coupons
#121 10 January 1976 No coupons
#122 17 January 1976 Coupon first half and another second half
#123 24 January 1976 Coupon first half
#124 31 January 1976 Two coupons second half and another insider rear cover
#125 07 February 1976 Pin-up second half and coupon second half
#126 14 February 1976 Coupon first half
#127 21 February 1976 Coupon first half
#128 28 February 1976 No coupons
#129 06 March 1976 Coupon first half and coupon rear cover
#131 20 March 1976 Coupon second half and on rear cover
#132 27 March 1976 Coupon second half and on rear cover
#133 03 April 1976 Mastermind quiz second half and coupon rear cover
#134 10 April 1976 Coupon first half and coupon rear cover
#135 17 April 1976 Coupon second half
#137 01 May 1976 Pin-up first half
#138 08 May 1976 No coupons
#139 15 May 1976 Coupon second half
#141 29 May 1976 Coupon first half
#142 05 June 1976 Coupon inside front cover and Conan pin-up first half
#143 09 June 1976 Conan pin-up second hald and coupon inside rear cover


If we are missing anything from these summary lists, or you spot errors, feel free to email us at comics @ and we will update our lists which benefits all our users.

Page contributors


Thank you to the above people and organisations for contributing information on issues.   If you would like to contribute, then email us as comics @