Jumble Saler news and version changes


12 February 2025 - Jumble Saler V1.3.5 - Major new version

Lots of tweaks all over the shop plus:

- Support for eBay multi variation listings.   The Jumble Saler FREE edition will download and saves these, but publishing multi variations listings is a new feature to the Jumble Saler Standard edition.



 13 November 2024 - Jumble Saler V1.3.4 - Major new version

Massive amount of tweaks and changes to the interface plus:

- Changes to the background picture templates to make them quicker to generate. An issue with excessive temp files being left on disk also fixed.

- Automatically leave large feedback comments over the current 60 character limit.  In Jumble Saler, click on 'eBay accounts', then 'eBay account maintenance'.  Double click your eBay user name and then go to the 'Automate feedback' tab.

- Automatic backing up of the Jumble Saler database every 7 days.

- Support for renaming of eBay accounts so that this is detected and your Jumble Saler records get updated to the new name.

- Support added for domestic and international rate tables.

- "Arm chair" adding of new auctions.  Sit with a pile of things for eBay whilst watching TV.  Create you listings first after searching on them on eBay (and even copy someone else's auction to base yours on) and then do the photographs later.

- Automatically download and permanent saving of all your eBay messages, feedback left and received into Jumble Saler.

- New BETA version of our Contact Manager system where there is a record for every buyer and seller your have dealt with on eBay including all messages, sales, purchases and feedback.  

- Drop down boxes to see auctions you have published to different eBay sites with your account, such as eBay.com, eBay.co.uk, etc.

- Microsoft .NET Framework update to version 4.8.


 22 November 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.23 - Bug fix

Fixes an error with the eBay link wizard.


 10 October 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.21 - Bug fix

Fixes an error where the eBay token needs collecting again after initial setsup.


 26 October 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.22 - Maintenance and new features

Watchlist download changes - eBay changed their API programming system so you cannot download all watchlist items in one go. We have changed to a paged system.

Search system - bug fixes - Fixes some bugs introduced when we split the main database into selling and buying databases to double storage capacity. Excluding sellers from all searches was not saving correctly.

Search system - New feature - New 'Jumble Saler exact match filtering' checkbox when creating search rules. If checked, then this filtered the eBay results to just those that have ALL the keywords in. You can still use OR statements such as (collection, bundle, joblot) and one of any OR keywords you use must be within the search term. If you have ever searched on eBay, you know that eBay results don't come back with exactly what you are looking for and you wonder why certain auctions appear when they don't contain your search terms.

Sales and purchases tab - We now have drop down lists for Brand and Our Group fields and you can now categorise sales with these two boxes. The Bulk changes button on this tab allows you to select multiple sales and allocate the Our Group or Brand. In future upgrades, we are planning graphing and reporting on these.

COLLECTION ONLY auctions (local pickup auctions) - Amended system and bug fixes for collection only / local pickup auctions. We now have a separate option in the 'Shipping service' called 'COLLECTION ONLY' when creating auctions or amending auctions.


 25 August 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.20 - Maintenance Release

Receiving new eBay API messages on collecting orders, so code has been ammended.

Fixes a couple of bugs added with our Search System changes in the last release


 14 August 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.19 - Maintenance Release

eBay changed their online API calls which caused a crash in Jumble Saler when collecting listings. We have just published a work around for this.

We have also made the eBay Search System faster and fixed minor bugs.


 08 February 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.15 - Maintenance Release

eBay discontinued on of their online API calls which allowed us to collect item specifics for categories (for example size and colour with clothes categories). We have just published a fix for this.


 08 February 2023 - Jumble Saler V1.2.13 - Major new release 

 - First version of our free FREE Comic Collecting Software released which is incorporated into the Jumble Saler Stock System.  We also have stock images of 16,000+ Britsh comics which can be selected within Jumble Saler and imported with our new screen:

Jumble Saler comic collecting import screens

26 November 2022 - Jumble Saler V1.2.10 - Major new release 

- 24 pictures support added - Add up to 24 pictures to your auctions rather than 12.

- Background template system updated to allow up to 24 pictures.

- Sending auctions to eBay now around 25% faster

- Revising pictures on existing auctions now around 25% faster

- Overwriting auctions also 25% faster

- Set up wizard and the eBay link wizard now both download all auctions, sales, purchases and watch lists so that you don't start Jumble Saler with a blank system.

- eBay connection wizard upgraded so you can now use Microsoft Edge to connect to eBay to link your accounts.  The old system had issues displaying displaying on some computers.

- First public preview of the Jumble Saler Stock System which is currently in beta testing in several businesses to mail-merge their products to eBay using stock pictures.


19 September 2022 - Jumble Saler V1.2.2 - Maintenance release 

 - Import payments CSV on the 'eBay Sales and Purchases' tab - eBay changed format so we have updated the routine to the new format.


 15 August 2022 - Jumble Saler V1.2.0 - Major new release 

 - Now includes a trial version of the Jumble Saler Search System which allows faster and smarter searching of eBay auctions.


19 May 2022 - Jumble Saler V1.1.62 - Major new release 

-  The new Jumble Saler Search System Net Income Tracking System from last release has had some minor tweaks and improvements.

- Minor bug fixes


30 March 2022 - Jumble Saler V1.1.62 - Major new release 

- eBay have updated their SSL certificate for their API communication, so we have updated the Microsoft .NET Framework used by Jumble Saler to V4.7.2, which will already be installed on Windows 10 and Windows 11.  This now supports eBay's new SSL certificate.

- Support for multiple domestic and international postage rates, so that that you can give uses the option of economy or standard postage with different rates.

- New Jumble Saler Income Tracking system - Shows you the net profit from your sales by importing eBay fees and allowing you to input P&P and other costs against an order.  For more information, see Jumble Saler Net Income Tracking System.


03 January 2022 - Jumble Saler V1.1.61 - Maintenance release

- General maintenance update


09 November 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.58 - General improvements

- Displays a list of auctions just published after sending new items to eBay.  This allows you to view them online on eBay to double check them if required.

- Improved support for eBay Australia.

- Improved support for eBay categories that don't require a condition (new, used, etc) such as 'Seeds and bulbs' in gardening.

- Interface tweaks.


28 September 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.57 - General improvements

- Interface improvements to the Description Template Manager and Description Template system generally.

- Change to the 'Copy to new' button on the 'eBay auctions' tab.  This now allows you to select multiple eBay auctions and copy them into the 'New auction lots' section.  


06 September 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.56 - Major new release

Interface updates

- Interface updates to the minimum screen sizes to support more devices.

Auction description templates

- There is a Description Template Manager where you can add as main different templates as you like and then allocate them against individual auctions. This means you can use different templates for different types of items you sell.

Scheduling support

- You can now send auctions to eBay to start as a specified date and time, which go into your Scheduled listings list in your eBay control panel.

Browser support

- We have added support for the Opera browser as well. This is useful if using multiple eBay accounts, so that you can use a different browser for each. Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera. Feel free to email our Support Department if you would like to suggest another major browser for use, and we can look at adding it.

Maximum pictures

- Added a warning if you go over 12 pictures - Only ever publish the first 12 pictures of the auction, so that the other pictures can still be saved for later use (possibly for putting into the description with HTML image links)

Offline updates to eBay auctions

- If you edit an active auction in Jumble Saler, then it will prompt you when you have finished to update your online listing. If you are not connected to the Internet this will fail. Jumble Saler now keeps a list of auctions that have unsent changes and you can view these and use the new Tools menu "Send outstanding auction changes" option to update eBay when you are back online.

Category support

- Support added for eBay.com Motors category.


21 May 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.54 - eBay category updates

eBay have recently changed the conditions for some of the book categories.  Previously, they had the options of 'New' or 'Used' and now have several options including 'New', 'Like new', 'Very good', 'Good' and 'Acceptable'.  We have updated the system accordingly.


10 May 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.51 - Improvements

This version makes tweaks to the installation system so that it easier to connect to your eBay accounts.


10 April 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.50 - Major new release

eBay Item Specifics system re-write


eBay auctions allow additional information to be added to your auctions such as colours and sizes for clothes, and issue dates, years, publisher, etc, for books, magazine and comics. 


Each category has its own set of required, recommended and optional item specifics fields that can be filled in. 


Jumble Saler has been updated to automatically download and display lists of the item specifics for a category, so that you can fill these in.  This is very important as it will improve your position in the eBay searches, i.e. With more information eBay will put you higher in the search list for searches for your items.


You can also batch update stock items and auctions using the Bulk changes buttons.  


If your category has required, i.e. compulsory item specific fields, then you will get a message if you try to add or update an auction and that information hasn't been filled in.


International Shipping updated


Greater support for International shipping options and returns.


Bulk changes screen updated


You can now bulk update despatch times, returns, international shipping and international returns.


Bug fixes


Fixes an issue with the new stock items list in that if you have a very large unpublished list and add new items, then it didn't scroll quite far enough to highly the new item.  All fixed.


20 January 2021 - Jumble Saler V1.1.47 - Maintenance release

- Minor improvements. 


19 November 2020 - Jumble Saler V1.1.45 - New features and maintenance release - Improved Ebay Item Specifics support so that multiple value field names now supported.

- Minor interface tweaks and minor bug fixes.


11 October 2020 - Jumble Saler V1.1.42 - New features and maintenance release - Ebay Categories updated including conditions supported by each category.

- New 'Overwrite' button on the 'New auction lots' tab.   This allows you to over write an existing auction on Ebay, with a new auction you have just created.  OK, so why would you want to do this? Normally because you are up to your limit with auctions online and want to replace a low price auction with a new high price one, without a new listing fee. Also, some of your auctions may have been created with selling fees offer such as "Max $1 / £1 / €1 selling fees" type off , and you want to overwrite an existing item that is either not selling, or is cheaper than the new one you just created.

- Bug fix - Fixes an issue where pictures weren't always being downloaded after publishing a new auction.


26 September 2020 - Jumble Saler V1.1.41 - New features and maintenance release -Improved Ebay Link Wizard.

- Support for templates, system so that you can have a template for you listing.

- New Tools menu - with new option 'Collect an Ebay auction'. This allows you end the website address of an Ebay auction and the listing is downloaded so you can look at how the seller created their description, item specifics, and you can even save all the pictures to your computer at the maximum size.

- The sales and purchases system now collects information on your purchases including the pictures and stores them permanently. It can only do this retrospectively for the last 30 days. Purchases and sales collected previously will just have the basic information. This is a good change moving forward so that you can look back on previous purchases in detail when they are no longer available on your Ebay account.

- Bug fix - Fixes an issue with auction location which sometime occurred when publishing or revising Ebay auctions.


02 June 2020 - Jumble Saler V1.1.36 - New features and maintenance release Tweaks - Lots of minor interface tweaks here and there.

Search boxes - All the search boxes have been upgraded to more intelligent searching.  So search on say 'My widget' will look for items which control 'my' or 'widget' in any order.  You can also use negative keywords such as -widget which looks for all items that don't contain the work widget.

Bulk changes buttons - These now allow you to update the PayPal email address on your auctions.

Bug fix - Fixes an issue which sometimes occurred when changing tabs in that some of the columns, such as title or the pictures, weren't wide enough. 

Maintenance - Biggest change is that the system now uses the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1.


05 January 2020 - Jumble Saler V1.1.25 - Maintenance release General changes to update JumbleSaler to current Ebay API standards.


03 December 2019 - Jumble Saler V1.1.23 - Lowered minimum screen size  Lowered our minimum screen size from 1024x768 to 1024x720 to support 1280x720 devices and adjusted all our screens accordingly.

Bug fix - Fixes an error when checking for updates.


30 October 2019 - Jumble Saler V1.1.22 - Upgraded the Batch changes screen to make it easier to use Our Batch changes screen has been updated to make it easier to change new and existing Ebay auctions quicker:

Changed bulk changes screen


30 September 2019 - Jumble Saler V1.1.16 - Add/edit items screen upgraded to make it easier to use Our add/edit screen now used a scrolling rather than tabbed interface to make it easier to see compulsory and non-compulsory options:

Add/edit item screen

The non-compulsory settings are now in lavender coloured panels which you can see if you scroll down.


11 January 2019 - Jumble Saler V1.1.11 - General update of Jumble Saler

- General minor changes through out the Jumble Saler system.


01 May 2018 - GDPR update


- We have updated our service in line with new GDPR regulations.