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System settings - Search tab

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Jumble Saler search system options

These settings are for the Jumble Saler search system which allows you to search for items on eBay more efficiently if you are either collecting or buying to resell.

Excluded sellers list - Allows you to exclude a list of sellers.  If there is a seller that comes up a lot in your searches but they are overpriced, then you can exclude all their listings.  You can set up a system level list that will exclude a list of sellers from all of your searches, and also set up lists on a search by search basis.  Don't start by looking for sellers and putting them in.  When you run a search and see the results and notice the sellers, you can use the 'Exclude seller ALL searches' button which will add them to this list for you.

Excluded category ID's list - Allows you to exclude a list of categories.  When you search on the eBay website, it often narrows you down to a end category or a branch of the categories tree.  You can search all categories with Jumble Saler and then just exclude a few categories that aren't relavant if required.  This is system level, so excludes these categories from all your searches.  Don't start by looking for categoies and putting them in.  When you run a search and see the results and notice the categories that are totally irrelavant, you can use the 'Exclude category ALL searches' button which will add them to this list for you.   If you manually add items to this list, then use the 'Add category' button, or just add a line your self.  You only need the category number - such as '267', then description will be added automatically when you save, so that it will become '267 (Books)' or in your are on eBay Germany, '267 (Bücher)'.  The 'Check'  button will also automatically add the descriptions and make sure that the category ID is correct for the eBay site you are using.

Excluded keywords list
- Allows you to exclude a list of keywords.  For example, if you buy comics and have a 'comic collections' search, you can exclude the keywords 'DVD' and 't-shirt' which gets rid of all listings like 'comic collection on DVD', 'Collection of comic t-shirts', so you aren't seeing stuff you have no interest in.  This is a system level list, so excluded keywords here apply to all of your searches.  You can alternatively just add ones to specifiy searches instead.