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Jumble Saler Manager Windows tray icon program for background downloads

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Jumble Saler Manager


NOTE - The Jumble Saler Manager is a feature of the Jumble Saler STANDARD and SEARCHER editions and above. 


The Jumble Saler Manager is a separate program that appears in the Window tray area in the bottom left corner of your screen (assuming you have the Windows defaults) next to the time, wifi status, etc:



What this does is (each is optional):


- Automatically download your auctions once a day.

- Automatically download your watchlists a few times a day.

- Send you a daily summary of auctions (rather than Buy it nows) on your watch list so you know what's coming up today.

- Automatically display reminders for auctions about to finish.  This uses auctions, rather than Buy-it-nows, from your eBay watch list (or watch lists if you have set up multiple eBay accounts).   Notifications pop up and look similar to:


- Runs all your searchs once a day.  See Jumble Saler Search System for more information.


- Run searches and notify you of results (narrowed down so notifications are minimized).



Jumble Saler Manager has to be turned on.


Turning on Jumble Saler Manager


You can do this by opening Jumble Saler, then on the menu, click on 'File' then 'Program settings' and then turn on in the 'Manager' tab:




This is also where you configure what the Jumble Saler Manager will do, including watch list notifications and whether or not it will run searches on items you are looking for. 

For example, sometimes rare items appear on eBay on Buy-it-now auctions at a silly low price and you want to be the first to buy them.  It's OK setting up saved searched on eBay, but you only get them once a day, and different people with the same search will get them at different times.  Our experience is that they come through same time each day, but at different times for each eBay account, so if someone else is getting eBay search emails before you, then they might spot and buy these before you do.  Buy setting up the manager to run searches every hour, and ntfify you of just new Buy-it-now auctions that match your search and price ranges, then it can pop up nofiicatiosn and even email you straight away so that you have a better chance of buying before someone else does.


You can receive emails as well as notifications, which if you set up your Smartphone to receive your emails, then you will get a beep when they are recieved.  You will need to set up 'Email's in the Program Setting as well: